The content on Kiyan Logistics’ website is provided for general information and reference purposes only. While we strive to ensure accuracy and relevance, we do not guarantee that all information is complete, current, or error-free. For the latest service details, regulations, and pricing, please contact us directly. Kiyan Logistics shall not be liable for any losses resulting from reliance on website content. Use of this site is at your own discretion.
At Kiyan Logistics, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. We collect and process information
only to respond to inquiries, manage bookings, communicate with customers, and support operational processes. Your data is
stored securely and shared only with trusted partners essential for service delivery or as required by law.
GDPR Compliance:For our users and clients in the European Union, we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This ensures your data is processed lawfully, transparently, and for specified purposes only. You have the right to access,
modify, or request the deletion of your data at any time. By using our website, you consent to our data handling practices.
For any privacy-related concerns, please contact us directly.